Rushabh Phadkule

Artificial Intelligence Researcher and Developer

What is this about ?!

ME PROGRAMMING: Edit, Save, Exit, Compile, Run, Curse, Reboot.

Project Spotlight

JARVIS- An Artificially Intelligent Assistant” which has been developed for domestic and Corporate use. JARVIS would give you the information about News, MAP Directions, Weather Forecast, Current Date and Time, Operating System Details, Say Commands, etc. The thing you need to do, is just type the commands you want done. Jarvis would help you about the News, MAP Directions, Weather Forecast, Current Date and Time and other operating system commands. The main motive is to develop this virtual assistant is to reduce the efforts of a person so that they can avoid doing it personally.This would also reduce time wastage

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Pursuing Master's in Computer Science from University of Dayton.



  • Joint-Secretary for the year 2016-17.
  • Head-Excecutive for the year 2017-18.
  • Founder Member of Stars Foundation NGO. 2017- Current.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Angular.js
  • Photoshop
  • Git


Shoot me an email or connect with me on Linkedin.